I am excited to have collaborated on a new study from the Health Enhancement Research Organization which assessed the impact of incentive design on participation and workplace health outcomes at the organization-wide level. The study is published in the October issue of JOEM and suggests that the impact of an incentive strategy is
influenced not only by the incentive amount, but also by the actions required to achieve the incentive, organizational characteristics, and the degree to which leadership supports employee health. The study also identified common shifts in incentives strategies for employers over time. For more information, check out the full article at https://journals.lww.com/joem/Abstract/2020/10000/Influence_of_Incentive_Design_and_Organizational.16.aspx
influenced not only by the incentive amount, but also by the actions required to achieve the incentive, organizational characteristics, and the degree to which leadership supports employee health. The study also identified common shifts in incentives strategies for employers over time. For more information, check out the full article at https://journals.lww.com/joem/Abstract/2020/10000/Influence_of_Incentive_Design_and_Organizational.16.aspx